About Us
PT. Sarana Energi Investama is a dependable and innovative Service & Maintenance Electrical Industrial Contractor System Integrator –General Supplier since our holding started since 2018, SE INVESTAMA has offered clients construction & maintenance programs that ultimately reduce cost and demands, while maintaining stringent quality measures. We are committed to maintaining and developing long – term business relationships, which lead to success for all our partners, customers, suppliers, and working team for industrial and building sector. We will always up hold our company’ s commitment as a “Leader ithe Electrical Industrial Construction and Maintenance Sector”
PT. Sarana Energi Investama adalah Kontraktor Electrical dan Industrial untuk Instalatir , Service dan Maintenance-Sistem Integrator-General Supplier. Holding kami berdiri mulai tahun 2018, SE INVESTAMA telah menawarkan klien program konstruksi & pemeliharaan yang pada akhirnya mengurangi biaya dan permintaan, sambil mempertahankan kualitas secara ketat. Kami berkomitmen untuk mempertahankan dan mengembangkan hubungan bisnis jangka panjang, yang mengarah pada kesuksesan untuk semua mitra kami, pelanggan, pemasok, dan tim kerja untuk sektor industri dan building. Kami akan selalu memegang komando perusahaan kami sebagai “Pemimpin dalam Sektor Konstruksi dan Pemeliharaan Industri Listrik”.
First Electrical Company with 100% Local IOT Services
Sarana Energi Investama is the first electrical solutions company to make industrial digitization the focus of electrical service for many industries . There are many reasons for industry players to be able to choose Sarana Energi Investama as a vendor for the companies they lead
PT Sarana Energi Investama Company Value
We are committed to maintaining and developing long-term business relationships, which lead to success for all our partners, customers, suppliers, and working team for industrial and building sector.We will always uphold our company’s commitment as a “Leader in the Electrical Industrial Construction and Maintenance Sector”
First Value
Gain Our Customer Trust is a Must. We Has been trusted to fulfill the company’s electrical product & services needs since 2018
Second Value
Quality is a Standard. Our goal is simply to be the best and to continually improve. Safety is our Culture. We are commited to safety
Third Value
We are client driven, our team members are focused, developed, and proficient on the most advanced technologies, methods, and processes in this field
Fourth Value
The fastest in providing solutions if there are problems in our products &services
Fifth Value
Professional in service pricing
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/saranaenergiinvestama/
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/pt-sarana-energi-investama/